
Latest Toy: The Orange Pi PC

You may have heard about the latest Raspberry Pi 2 clone: The Orange Pi PC, a device that sells for only $15 yet comes with a quad-core Allwinner H3 and 1 GB RAM. (But don't be fooled - while "open source" is mentioned everywhere on that website, the actual open source situation is still pretty bad).

After my Raspberry Pi started acting up and run very unstable a year ago, this looked like a nice replacement. Thus I decided to order the "Orange Pi PC set 3" including a plastic case and power cable from AliExpress, and will try to get Gentoo running on that device. The manufacturer's Gentoo forum section is all crickets, so I expect to encounter at least some problems.

If you want to see this thing in action, or at least watch me struggling to get Gentoo running, come next weekend (10+11 October 2015) to the Prague Linux Days and visit the Gentoo booth.